Learn more about SEO for ecommerce in our article on EBANX blog: https://business.ebanx.com/en/blog/5-essential-seo-strategies-for-ecommerce-sites
SEO is one of the most important tools ecommerce stores can use to improve their online performance, and it is simple to understand why:
Most customers pass through a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or Bing during the purchase process, however, they do not stay long on these sites. For a matter of fact, websites listed on the first results page usually receive more than 90% of the traffic provided through search engines.
People trust search engines, and they will naturally place more trust in top positioned website results. It pushes an website ahead of the competition.
SEO helps to improve customerโs experience and websiteโs usability, as it can also provide important information about your public, their purchase process, and behavior.
By definition, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the activity of improving a websiteโs online visibility and generating relevant traffic in the organic search.
Are you looking for a way to optimize your ecommerce website?
The answer is not a magical formula, but a disciplined work that requires research, effort, continuous updating, and creativity.
So here are a list of essential strategies that can contribute to your success in SEO.
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