7 Native website positioning Content material Tricks to Enhance Google Rankings (2019)

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7 Native website positioning Content material Tricks to Enhance Google Rankings (2019)


Boost your Google rankings with these 7 easy to implement Local SEO content tips.

Most of these tips are straight forward and you don’t need any search engine optimisation background or coding experience to implement any of them.

As always, this tutorial is made especially for local businesses who want to improve their visibility in Google local.

In this episode, you will learn

• How to optimize a URL to target a city
• How to optimize your meta title locally
• How to optimize your meta description for more clicks
• How to structure a page with headers
• How to optimize your images for your location
• How to improve your internal linking
• How to add schema mark-up to a business address

All the above tips combined should help you in your quest to climbing google rankings faster than your competitors.
Meta title and description checker tool

Moz local ranking factors

Google Schema tool


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Happy marketing

