Back Link Building For Shopee/lazada Dropshipping Website
More hacks and tricks
One of the most effective way to get your dropshipping website on the front list of google is by back link building.
The more places link back to your website , it tells google that your website is legit and people are loving your website , and hence people are linking your website .
There are 2 stages of back link building for starter.
Stage #1 will be linking your web site from social media
Stage #2 will be linking your website from various blogs and forums
STAGE #1 linking your web site from social media
This is pretty easy to do . everytime that you post an article , share it on various social media such as facebook group , twitter , linkedin and others places.
For example , I have this article on my website , all I need to do next is to blast it out on my facebook page .This is the simplest ways to build quality back link .
Stage #2 linking your website from various blogs and forums
In this stage , we are going for one step further , which we are going to build backlink from different forums.
The best place to build this is by staying active in various forums that are related to your niche .
For example , I am on cat food niches, so , I will joined all cat food related group in Malaysia.
Now , the way that you post your article over here , have to be different . You cannot just spam your website link over here.
You need to think like a consumer , you need to be helpful to the members in the group, and the post that you put up have to be personalize.
For example , share something personal .
For example , “I found this website that have all cat food pricing comparison , is this website legit?
So , instead of randomly throwing a link on a group , you are actually sharing something personal with your group members.
In this video , I would like you to start joining all the facebook groups that are related to your niche and also forums that are related to your industry.I will see you on the next video.
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