Content material Technique: Get Extra Backlinks and Extra Shares At the moment!

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Content material Technique: Get Extra Backlinks and Extra Shares At the moment!


Are you struggling to get quality links to your site? Don’t Worry! In this video we are going to go over what type of content is best for getting backlinks and how to promote your content.

To get the best links from the best sites, you need some great stuff on your site to link to.

If you want links to your products or sales pages, editors don’t like linking to these types of pages.

You want a link that can be slipped naturally into an article. Think: What would a journalist be more likely to use as a reference? A link to your product page, or a link to an interesting piece of content?

What are natural links?
-Authoritative Content
-Research Content
-Opinionated, Controversial, and Trending Topic Content
-News and Updates

If you want the best links you need this type of content on your site. Now that you’ve made a great piece of content like this, how are you going to actually get backlinks to it? Through promotion.

Ways to Promote Your Content to start getting backlinks:

-Share it with your audience through email and post it on social media. If you’re on Facebook or Twitter make sure you tag influencers who are relevant or would be interested in the post. You never know who might share your content with their audience, but you can make it more likely by tagging them.

-Do some outreach. Email influencers mentioned in your content just to let them know you included them in your piece, you don’t really want to ask them to share it because influencers get a lot of requests like these. We let Brian Dean know we mentioned him in an article and he wound up sharing our content.

-Submit a link to your content to relevant sites like Quora or Reddit, there are a lot of different submission sites out there and posting a link on these sites gets you a backlink.

-Interlink your existing content with that piece. Why does this work? People who search for terms like the ones you’d use to create quality content are often midway in the customer buying cycle. They just need a bit of a push to start considering a purchase.

If you don’t have that content or don’t have the time to make it, we have a solution. HOTH Blogger. This is our blog writing service that provides made-for-you content.

If you’d like to learn more, check out the link below!
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