Do reciprocal links hurt your organic rankings? We studied 140,592 domains to find out and share our findings in this video.
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Are reciprocal links common among websites? And more importantly, are they hurting organic rankings?
We took a sample of ~140,000 websites with at least 10,000 search visits/month. We then looked at the domains they were linking to and those that were linking back to them.
Finally, we plotted the results on a graph which gives a great view of the breakdown of websites with reciprocal links.
Next, we went on to find out if the top ranking pages for different queries had reciprocal links.
Based on a selection of 10,000 random non-branded queries with a certain range of keyword difficulty scores, we looked for reciprocal backlinks ranking in the top 10.
The results were plotted in a pie chart clearly revealing what percentage of the top 10 organic results has a reciprocal link.
Sam then explains if we should be doing link exchanges at all and shares the exact link building strategies you can use to apply the data mentioned to your SEO strategy to get powerful backlinks.
For starters, building relationships through outreach starts with looking out for people you link to a lot.
Here, Sam shares how you can use Ahrefs to see a list of unique links from websites:
1. You’re linking to and the number of times you’ve linked.
2. That are linking to you and the number of times they’ve linked.
The next thing to do is to email these people. Sam lays out a sample guest posting pitch email and shares the mentality with which you should have in mind when sending out these emails.
Join Sam Oh as he shares these easy link building tactics in this tutorial and build some solid relationships with people in your industry.
0:44 Learn how many websites actually have reciprocal links
1:57 Check if the top-ranking pages for different queries have reciprocal links
3:08 Build relationships with bloggers through outreach
4:44 Start with looking for people that you linked to a lot
5:54 Email to those people
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