www.youtube.com/watch?v=U78JWUqPdY0 Power Quality Backlinks from PR4 PR5 PR6 PR7 PR8 and PR9 http://www.backlinkstrafficseo.com known as inbound links are the backbone of Search Engine Positioning. The more established, and high Page Rank the website that contains the link has, the more power it has to help the linked website with its search engine position. If the website that is getting back links gets many high quality links from high PageRank websites, the better the chance it has of being in a high position on the search engines results. 1st page on Google with quality backlinks
backlinks are the key to your website serp. Backlinks are links on other websites that lead back to your website.
From a search engine point of view there only 3 factors that determine your ranking position:
They are: Content, Optimization and Backlinks. All these 3 factors are aimed at increasing traffic to your website and they are interdependent on each other. “Backlinks” is by far the most important factor of all factors in deciding how well your website shows up on search engine results. For example when you search for “private real estate agent on Google, the result is http://www.lendinguniverse.com shows up on top of and ahead of millions similar web pages only because of thousands of back links and correct optimization to relevant content done by our team of SEOs who knows the important of back links .
What are backlinks ?
Backlinks also known as inbound links are the backbone of Search Engine Positioning. Backlinks are links on other websites that lead back to your website. The more established, high quality, and high Page Rank the website that contains the link has, the more power it has to help the linked website with its search engine position. If the website that is getting backlinks gets many high quality links from high PageRank websites, the better the chance it has of being in a high position on the search engines results.
Backlinks and PageRank (PR) PR9 PR8PR7PR6 PR5PR4PR3PR 0-2
What is website Optimization?
For http://www.yaellandscapearchitect.com is a top landscape architect in Los Angeles area and website needs the recognition by good placement in Google. Most internet webmasters call any activity related to improving the website ranking in search engine “optimization” it includes #4 content and #6 backlinks in that definition. For the purpose of our website we define optimization as any action done on the website itself to make it better accepted by search engines for the purpose of better ranking. Our definition optimization does not include Backlinks or content but only the organization of content and it alignment to match incoming links. Optimization is the fine tuning of the website by the use of various tools such as meta tags, keyword density and many others. For the purpose of demonstration look at the picture of the rocket and imagine that the optimization is fine tuning the engines so that the rocket is moving right on target and does not veered to the side.
What is a website PR (PageRank)
PR is abbreviation of PageRank It is a link analysis algorithm used by the Google Internet search engine that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of “measuring” its relative importance among websites.
Google describes PR: PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page’s value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves “important” weigh more heavily and help to make other pages “important”.
A PageRank results from a “ballot” among all the other pages on the World Wide Web about how important a page is. A hyperlink to a page counts as a vote of support. The PageRank of a page depends on the number and PageRank metric of all pages that link to it (“incoming links”). A page that is linked to by many pages with high PageRank receives a high rank itself. If there are no links to a web page there is no support for that page.
Google assigns a numeric weighting from 0-10 for each webpage on the Internet; this PageRank denotes a sites importance in the eyes of Google. The PageRank (PR) is derived from a theoretical probability value on a logarithmic scale like the Richter Scale. The PageRank of a particular page is roughly based upon the quantity of inbound links as well as the PageRank of the pages providing the links. It is known that other factors, e.g. relevance of search words on the page and actual visits to the page reported by the Google toolbar also influence the PageRank. The name “PageRank” is a trademark of Google the exact formula that determine the PR is kept confidential by Google.
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