Categories: SEO

Enhance Web site Visitors in 2021 with these Three Easy Steps

Increase website traffic 2020:

Today I want to share the 3 steps you need to take, to drive large volumes of traffic to your website.

Traditionally, if you want to increase your website traffic, you need to choose between SEO – getting traffic from search engines, OR, you need to spend money on advertising.

Now, neither of these options are perfect. SEO takes a longtime to get any results. It’s great for the long term, if you do it right, and Google decides to reward you. But it’s not a good option if you want traffic TODAY.

So the other option used to be spending money on ads. But again there’s a problem with this. Firstly, it costs a small fortune, there’s no way of knowing if it’s going to work, and you’re probably going to lose money, at least in the beginning. Secondly, you have to either learn to write persuasive sales copy, or hire an expensive copywriter to do it for you. And the only way to find an ad that works is to test, and pay for, multiple variations.

So what’s the alternative?

Well, I’ll tell you all about that in a couple of minutes, but let me share a true story with you about how finally I had a major breakthrough. And how I went from scrubbing toilets for a living, to building a website that changed my life. It eventually got millions of hits every month, allowed me to become financially independent, and I even had my competitors asking for my help.

But it wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen overnight. In fact, there was a time when I wondered if I was even on the right path, or if I’d just made a huge mistake. I worked ALL the hours I could on my website, but nothing was happening. No traffic, no sales, no revenue. You already know that traffic = money, so without traffic I didn’t really have a business. It was confusing and frustrating. It didn’t make sense. And I secretly wondered what my friends and family thought about me behind my back. I knew I had the potential to achieve great things, if only I had some direction. It felt like all the people who WERE successful had some missing piece of the puzzle, and they weren’t sharing it.

So it took me 3 years of trial and error. 3 years of failure, before things began to make sense.

And when things clicked, everything changed. I finally understood the secret of traffic generation. And it wasn’t SEO, or advertising. Those things can be important, especially SEO. But I found a faster way to get traffic, while I was waiting for my articles to rank in Google.

I realised, there were only 3 steps I had to take. And the great thing is, this works for every website, in every niche.

Ok. Step 1: To really succeed online you have to know your market. This means knowing your target audience, AND also your competitors. AND being able to reverse engineering their success.

An easy way to get some quick data about who’s sending traffic to your competitors, is to use SimilarWeb. Put in your competitors website, and scroll down to ‘referrals’. Now you can see some of the sites linking to them. And because they’re sending traffic to your competitors, there’s a chance they’ll want to send traffic to you too.

Step 2: Next to build an audience you have to know what they want. This is how to get results fast and avoid wasting time or money with ideas that don’t work. When you give people what they want, they’ll keep coming back for more.

One of the best ways to know WHAT your target audience wants, is to survey them. Now, if you don’t have your own email list or audience yet, you can just survey someone else’s. You can go to relevant Facebook groups or Subreddits, and run a poll. This will give you some vital data to start with, until you build your own audience. I mean, look at what I’m doing right on my Youtube channel. You can see how I’m frequently surveying my audience so I know what type of videos to make for you.

Step 3: Finally, when you know what your audience wants, you need to know where to find them. This means stepping in front of your audience, wherever they ALREADY congregate online. Wherever we look online, we can see communities of people, for practically every niche.

This is traffic that already exists. All you have to do is make your presence felt. And you can do that by delivering value to them, help them out, answer questions, help them to solve their problems and move them further along their journey. Instead of pitching and selling to them, become a friend and advisor. That’s the way to build trust, and ultimately an audience.

Now, if this makes sense to you, and you want my best traffic sources, I’ve got a new monthly traffic-training program that I think you’re going to love. It’s called Traffic Monthly and it will teach you automated traffic methods, stealthy website marketing strategies and give you brand new traffic sources every single month. Head over to, to see if it’s right for you.


Profit Copilot

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