Enhance Your Fiverr Promote | search engine marketing Pleasant GIG Description | Fiverr Bangla Tutorial

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Enhance Your Fiverr Promote | search engine marketing Pleasant GIG Description | Fiverr Bangla Tutorial


Boost Your Fiverr Sell – SEO Friendly GIG Description Writing Tips

In this video, I cover, how you can write SEO friendly and perfect gig description for your Fiverr GIG. A Perfect / SEO friendly gig description will help you to boost your Fiverr gig sell.

5 Rules For an SEO friendly / Perfect gig description :

1. Start with an attractive Line

2. Include What you are offering ( Nothing Else)

3. Why should a client choose you?

4. Include SEO Keywords (Most Important) (5-6 times in your description)

5. End With a nice message /words.

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