Hi guys, welcome to my CS:GO stattrak boosting video. I have found the fastest way to boost stattrak kills, it gives 2.100 kills per minute! And it’s even 100% AFK! Hopefully you will try it out, I have boosted my AK-47 to more than 112.000 kills already.. Bye guys!
Here are the commands I used: sv_cheats 1 | host_timescale 10 | +attack
The map shown in the video is https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=345372799&searchtext=tgs
Here is my steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198348596252/ – add me if you wanna play!
Remember to subscribe and turn on notifications to be the first to see my video, it helps me a lot.. Thanks!
All the music I use is from NCS – https://www.youtube.com/nocopyrightsounds
I edit all of my videos with Sony Vegas 15!
I make all of my thumbnails with pixlr – https://pixlr.com/editor/ (free)