How To Discover Redirect Chains and Improve Hyperlink Fairness for search engine optimization

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How To Discover Redirect Chains and Improve Hyperlink Fairness for search engine optimization


[This is part two of a two-part series on redirect chains. Part one explained what they are and their implications for SEO while part two shows you how to find them.]

Part One:
Part Two:

There are four strategies I use to find redirect chains:

Strategy #1: Export old URLs from Google Analytics. Go into the landing page report and export several years’ worth of landing page URLs.

Strategy #2: Export backlinks from Moz’s Open Site Explorer (or another backlink tool). Identify old URLs in the ‘Target URLs’ list.

Strategy #3: Crawl the site as it currently exists to look for internal redirect chains.

Strategy #4: Crawl older versions of the site using the Wayback Machine ( to find old URLs.

Once you’ve done this, use Screaming Frog to crawl the URLs and then export redirect chains from the ‘Reports’ tab. You can then manipulate the data in Excel.

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