How To Measure Web site Velocity for search engine optimisation and Your Guests

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How To Measure Web site Velocity for search engine optimisation and Your Guests


Join Tyler on this episode of Ezoic Explains as he shows how you can measure and adapt your website’s speed for SEO and your visitors. He shows how Google will measure it. See how common site speed tools might be giving you incorrect data and ways you can accurately check and alter your site speed.

First, you’re going to go to a general site speed tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse. You might get a lot of recommendations on what to fix, but if you have a low score, that’s not uncommon.

What you ultimately may find is even fixing a lot of those things does not improve your speed score, but your page speed might actually be improved for your users.

It’s important to remember that PageSpeed Insights (and most tools) are not the best tools; it’s been broken since 2018 according to Google’s team. Today we are going to help you adapt your site to the way users are going to view speed.

These tools typically just give you just general recommendations. CNN is a great example of getting a 0 out of 100 on a PageSpeed score. But, in reality, CNN is a site that loads extremely fast for users.

So how is Google looking at site speed?
John Mueller from Google says Google uses a variety of metrics (and to use Google Lighthouse), but the best advice is that from an SEO perspective, the best way is to just get feedback from your users on how they experience your site’s speed.

How do you find Lighthouse?
1. Right-click a site and click “inspect”, go into Chrome Developers tools
2. De-activate any browser extension you’re using
3. Go into Audit, then find Lighthouse
4. Choose “no throttling” and then select what speed preference to run the test on (if your visitors are mostly on a 4G connection, then choose that)

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Read more about site speed:

Ezoic is an innovative platform for intelligent websites. Ezoic Explains is a weekly video series that provides information, tools, trends, and know-how to those who write content, own a website, or operate in the digital media world.

