How you can Optimize Your Picture Alt Tags

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How you can Optimize Your Picture Alt Tags


Learn how to fix image alt tag issues on your site for better usability and improved search engine traffic. Test your site for free at

In this video, you’ll hear some of the following:

” In this video, we’ll show you how to improve your site’s SEO score by making sure you have relevant, quality image alt tags associated with the images on your site. Alt tags are text descriptions that not only load up instead of images, if for some reason those images fail to load. They also come up instead of images on browsers for the vision-impaired. And thirdly, they are yet another opportunity to strengthen your SEO with relevant descriptions and keywords related to your site’s content.

Let’s show you what this is all about. After running diagnostics on our site at seositecheckup, we can see that we’ve failed quite a few tests here. We can scroll down the list here, and those with x’s definitely need to be addressed, and those with exclamation marks aren’t emergencies, but could definitely use improvement. Today we’ll have alook at a common issue, the Image Alt test.

In this case, we have 11 image tags in our code, but three of them are missing alt – or alternative – attributes. Let’s click on “how to fix” to access general guidelines on what this issue is, and how to fix it in your site’s code.

Every image should have an alt tag, and as you can see here, it’s just a tiny, simple snippet of code to add.”

Hear more by watching the full video!

#imagealttags #failedtoloadimages #searchengineoptimiztion
