Key phrase Cannibalization in search engine marketing: Find out how to Determine Key phrase Cannibalization & Repair it - SPPC search engine marketing #13

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Key phrase Cannibalization in search engine marketing: Find out how to Determine Key phrase Cannibalization & Repair it – SPPC search engine marketing #13


When it comes to keyword cannibalization in SEO, you don’t want multiple pages of content focused on the same keyword. Search engines like Google are seeking the best possible resource on your website when someone types in a specific keyword. In this video, I will cover how to identify keyword cannibalization, how keyword cannibalization can impact your SEO strategy and ways to fix it as well. You may believe that more content and more pages of content is always better, but when there is a lot of overlap between topics and subtopics, you can actually hurt your rankings in the long run.

Keyword Cannibalization: What It Is and Best Practices:

Complete Surfside PPC SEO Tutorials Playlist:

Keyword Research Tutorial 2020 – SPPC SEO Tutorial #4:

How To Build Keyword Lists For Your Website – SPPC SEO Tutorial #5:

Video Description:

What is Keyword Cannibalization?

When multiple pages on your website are optimized for the same SEO keyword.

It can hurt your rankings to have several blog posts or pages focused on the same topic.

Example of Keyword Cannibalization:

If I write the following 3 articles:
– SEO Trends in 2018
– SEO Trends in 2019
– SEO Trends in 2020

It will actually hurt my rankings for the keyword ‘SEO Trends’ because I have 3 pages on my website focused on SEO Trends.

How To Avoid Keyword Cannibalization:

1. Create 1 Page: Write 1 article about a topic and keep it updated on a yearly basis. Never change the URL.

2. 301 Redirects: If you have multiple articles targeting the same keyword, merge them into 1 article, set-up 301 redirects, and delete the old pages.

3. Canonical URLs: Use the rel=”canonical” tag for the page you prefer to be ranked in search engines.

How To Find Keyword Cannibalization:

– Content Metadata Audit: Export your posts & pages to review title tags, meta descriptions & focus keywords.

– Create a Keyword Map: By mapping keywords to content, you can find pages that focus on the same keyword.

– Google Search Console: You can review individual search queries and search queries for specific pages.

– Google Site Search: Do a search in Google like this: keyword to see ranking pages.


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