Learn how to discover damaged hyperlinks for backlinks | Leon Angus

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Learn how to discover damaged hyperlinks for backlinks | Leon Angus


Recently I came across this really cool tool that finds broken links on any website on the internet. It’s a free tool that allows you up to 250 searches and will help you to find broken links on any site so that you can potentially reach out to them and get a backlink to replace it.

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The tool can be found at http://siteliner.com/ but I encourage you to watch this video so that you can find out how to use this effectively.

The method that I talk about involves reaching out to competitor’s websites within your niche and then letting them know of a broken link whereby you then ask them to fix the link with a link to your post.

I cover talking about anchor text here and also examples of how you should word your message so that you have the best chance of getting a good response.

Make sure you watch this one as it will be very useful to you getting some new authoritative links to your site. This is the full tutorial on how to find broken links for backlinks, enjoy!

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📲Email: leonangus2008@gmail.com
