Local Search Ranking: What REALLY Matters In Percentages
If you want to improve your enquiries and local business growth nearby customers and clients then its good to know where to focus your efforts. It’s not just all Google My Business (though it does take a fair share of credit). But even when you used Google My Business it’s often misunderstood as to what will have the biggest impact on your rankings.
So we know “Search Ranking” is essential for growing your business organically over time. Today I look at some of the most important ways you can improve your local search ranking.
I also unravel one of the biggest mistakes or misunderstandings…
You don’t need to overly worry about a 5-star rating. It has very little impact in fact directly around Zero per cent! Indirectly maybe a few per cent due to the CTR and the interaction signals
I also reveal 3 things you need to know if you want a massive boost in local search ranking, so be sure to subscribe for more web design tips: http://bit.ly/zanetsub
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Hello there! I’m Zane Clements. I Own Zanet Design. I have designed web sites and worked with small businesses, entrepreneurs and marketing agencies for over 20 years. I have now decided to share my web design experience with you. So if you need a web or graphic designer, or you just have a question, please comment below and say hi on http://bit.ly/zanetsub.
► If you need help with web design, email marketing or growing your business check out my web design website and portfolio Zanet Design Ltd @ https://zanet.co.uk
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