On Web page search engine optimisation - Prime Rating Components - Enhance Rank in Google

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On Web page search engine optimisation – Prime Rating Components – Enhance Rank in Google


Learn On Page SEO ranking factors and increase your website rank in Google and improve authority. On Page Optimization is one of the most important factor every webmaster forgets or don’t care.


Title is the first thing user see about your page(in Google).
First thing loaded in web browser.
Keep the title short in length(less than 70 char).
Use powerful keywords at first if possible(in the sense it won’t look keyword stuffed or spammy)
Powerful keywords are those having lot of search volume & attract user click.
Find out those keywords is your greatest challenge.


Description is mandatory according to Google.
Limit your description length to 160 chars
Widely spread your targeted keyword all over the description(In the sense don’t use same phrase, instead think a little to find a good description including keywords).
You can use any symbols in it as long as it make sense for your web page.


Use SEO friendly URL.
Shorter URL’s are the best. As it is very easy to remember for users.
But URL should also convey what the page is about.


You can use H1 to H6
Use heading tags properly.
H1 should be main heading of the page.
According to the importance of sub headings use H2 to H6
Use one or two keyword(s) in H1
Use related keywords in some sub headings.

5.Image filename & alt attribute:

Describe your image with less words.
Filename & alt attribute need not to be exactly same.
Instead atleast one keyword should be common.
Separate words with “-” while naming an image file.
Use space to separate words in alt attribute.
If image is a copied one give credit to the owner by placing a link to the image or respective page.(Make sure you can use that image via giving image credit).

6.Strong HTML tag(strong):

Don’t use this tag to highlight keywords for search engines.
Instead use strong tags for the user to get a vague/important idea about the page content.


A page should contain dofollow as well as nofollow links(can be avoided if all links are good).
Use nofollow for affiliate links and low quality websites(eg: Blog comment link)
All other links that are related to the niche can be dofollow links.
“Respect the respected ones” dofollow links are meant as you respect that page.
So be careful, give dofollow links to good & useful articles that your users will enjoy reading.
Limit external links from a page to less than half of that of internal links.

8.Branding Name:

Give high value to your business(it’s a mindset that is to be reflected in your website).
If you don’t provide value to your website who else wish to do?
So you should promote your brand name in all of your pages footer/sidebar, logo alt(eg: brandname logo).
Instead of “About us” you can use “About Brand name”.
Like wise you can provide your brand name at the end of title.
Think creative and make a reason to say your brand name in all pages. Eg: about, vission, mission, goals, etc.


More the transparent, more priority will be given in ranking.
Eg: Providing author details, Author Google plus profile, Email, Contact admin, Admin email etc.


Before you write articles do keyword research and topic research.
Try to improve user experience by providing something new related to your niche(services, free stuffs, etc).
Think about users & their perspective and give them the best user experience as Google does.

Update: 26-3-2016
The ranking factors are the major parts of SEO for 2016

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