PBN Hyperlinks in search engine marketing: Tips on how to Construct a PBN and Handle It Successfully – search engine marketing Burzh Life Zoom – Daryl Rosser
A no nonsense guide on building PBNs, managing them, and leveraging them in 2020 by Daryl Rosser from LionZeal.
SEO Burzh Life Zoom #8
A version of the same video in Russian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhCkiua1cV4
You’ll learn:
How much does a domain cost?
How do you choose a good domain?
How to host your PBN?
How to set up a website and create PBN backlinks?
How make it not look like a network?
How to link from the sites in the network?
How to maintain a PBN?
How to track rankings?
How to make sure the sites are uptime?
How to eliminate major footprints?
What are team / VA requirements?
How to power up your PBN?
Daryl Rosser services, blog and podcast: https://lionzeal.com/
Interviews and free training on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/lionzealseo
Add Daryl Rosser on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darylrosser
This video is a part of the educational series made by SEO community from Eastern Europe.
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00:00 Intro
03:18 Domains
06:34 Hosting
09:07 Setup
14:34 Linking
17:55 Maintenance
22:38 Other Footprints
24:52 Team and VA
25:37 Recommendations
28:20 Need more?
28:45 Tier 2 Strategy
31:20 Let’s Connect!