Rating in Google: Search Engine Optimization for Artwork Portfolio Web sites

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Rating in Google: Search Engine Optimization for Artwork Portfolio Web sites


Struggling to get your artist portfolio website to show up in Google Search? You may need to improve your Search Engine Optimization. Watch this video to learn how SEO applies to artists!

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I’ll admit, I didn’t know about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) until recently.

Even though I had a portfolio website for years — and spent a lot of time tinkering with and improving it — I had no idea how to use tools and strategies to make my site easier to discover in Google Search. I just assumed that I had no control over the order of the way links were listed in Search.

I mean, it eventually ranked #1, so I wasn’t complaining.

But then, when I officially said goodbye to any sort of career in photography, I actively began to research marketing concepts and strategies.

And lo and behold… I discovered SEO.

So… What exactly is SEO?

You use Google, right?

I mean… who doesn’t?

Well, Search Engine Optimization is a tactic used by digital marketers to improve the search ranking of a website. By helping a website land on the first page of search engines like Google, you increase the number of visitors that go to your website.

What does it mean for artists?

Quite simply, we’re all trying to get our work in front of people. And if you have a website, that’s probably the place you want your audience to visit first.

You don’t want that sad WordPress blog you made 6 years ago to outrank the website you invested time and money on. And it’s pretty annoying when your beautiful, modern portfolio can’t seem to swipe the #1 spot from someone who shares your name but clearly hasn’t updated their website since 2002.

So that’s where SEO comes in. Optimizing your site give you the best chances at getting Google Searchers to the right place, so they can view your work on your portfolio website.

In fact, I’ve been implementing some of the strategies I talk about in this video to improve the ranking of the new URL for my personal website. And over the last two months, it’s already jumped from Page 3 to Page 1.

So give the video a watch, and let me know if you have any questions!


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