[SEO Tips]21.1st Working Settings on WordPress-Search engine optimisation rating 100

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[SEO Tips]21.1st Working Settings on WordPress-Search engine optimisation rating 100


Best Settings for the 1st time running will Boost SEO score from 92 to 100 on web.dev and gtmetrix.com !
How to config WordPress website for the 1st running ? How to rank #1st page on Google in 1 minute ?
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S1 (00:53): Update newest Core, Update newest Theme
S2.1 (02:47): Remove inactive plugins
S2.2 (03:15): Remove inactive themes
S2.3 (04:07): Upgrade to newest PHP version
Select PHP version – Select the highest PHP version – Set at current
S2.4 (05:05): Turn on SSL on WordPress
Change WordPress Address from http to https
Change Site Address from http to https
S2.5 (06:21): Turn on SSL on Cpanel Hosting
S2.6 (07:08): Compress (ZIP) content
S3 (09:05): Install Really Simple SSL Plugin
S4 (10:32): 1st Running Settings
16:26 : Document does not have a meta description
S5 (20:07): Submit website to Google-indexed website on google in 1 minute
Add sitemap to Google Search Console

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