Site visitors Trade will damage your web site's website positioning Rank | Your web site's Google search rating could go down

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Site visitors Trade will damage your web site's website positioning Rank | Your web site's Google search rating could go down


Traffic exchange websites brings lots of unfaithful visitors who stay 5 or 10 seconds on your website that increases the bounce rate. Having a high bounce rate will ultimately lead to lower your website’s rankings in the Google search ranking.

Traffic Exchange websites are a trap for the new bloggers and website owners who are unaware of the Bounce rate and the mindset of the visitors from the Traffic Exchange websites.

The visitors from the Traffic Exchange websites are never loyal. They are not interested in reading what you have to say nor what you have to offer through your website. They landed on your website just because your website was displayed on their Click List where they have to stay 5 to 10 seconds and they will get paid pennies for those clicks.

As these visitors tend to move on to the next website in their list without any commitment for coming back the bounce rate graph of your website goes high.
As a result, Google starts considering your website has crap content or the content that are not interesting to the visitors and this hurts the search ranking of your website.

Your website will start going down in the Google search ranking as Google starts considering your website as not important or interesting for the visitors. So, be careful about Traffic Exchange websites.

#TrafficExchangeWebsites #GoogleSearchRanking #ImproveYourBounceRate
