If you want to boost traffic at your small business, check out this interview with local search expert Mike Bayuk. Mike has spent the last four years helping car dealerships attract more leads; and in this conversation he shares how leveraging Google My Business can help other local businesses do that as well.
– Michael Blumenthal’s blog is a good place to follow local search news. http://blumenthals.com/blog/
– The Moz blog posts lots of good material about local SEO strategy. https://moz.com/blog/category/local-seo
– The Google My Business help page is essential. https://support.google.com/business/?hl=en#topic=4539639
– Bonus: The Google My Business Page Finder. Google seems to be removing a lot of links to the actual pages from search results, so that link can be useful for seeing how many listings Google might have generated for you. It also gives a lot of random results too, but I find the top few results to be good. http://www.michaelcottam.com/google-business-page-finder/