The right way to Increase a Youngster's Immune System

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The right way to Increase a Youngster's Immune System


Dr. Sears explains how to boost your child’s immune system. Click below to subscribe to our channel for more great videos!

Boosting children’s immune systems can be done by feeding them plenty of fruits and vegetables and having them take vitamin C, echinacea and zinc supplements during the flu and cold seasons. Make sure a child has plenty of antioxidants and nutrients to keep from getting sick with information from a practicing pediatrician in this free video on caring for children.

Expert: Dr. Robert Sears
Bio: Robert W. Sears, MD, is a father of three, board-certified in Pediatrics, and a co-author in the Sears Parenting Library. “Dr. Bob”, as he likes to be called by his little patients, earned his medical degree at Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1995. He has written for Contemporary Pediatrics, Newsweek Japan, and dozen’s of regional parenting magazines across the nation. Dr. Bob is co-author of The Updated Baby Book, The Premature Baby Book, The Baby Sleep Book 2005 and Father’s First Steps: 25 Things Every New Dad Should Know and author of The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for your Child and an active contributor to the content of and several other parenting websites

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