TradCatKnight Visibility: Alexa Rank

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TradCatKnight Visibility: Alexa Rank


TradCatKnight Radio, TCK Visibility: Alexa Rank
Talk given 5-13-16 (aprx. 50 mins.)
Feast Day: Our Lady of Fatima!

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This is a special message for all those who have continually prayed for, supported and donated to TradCatKnight. TradCatKnight continues to work towards gaining greater visibility in the mainstream getting out the message of Fatima in this Vatican II Modernist crisis. We still have ALOT of work to do which needs financial backing. Please be in front of a computer before listening to this talk. Go to and follow my directions. TradCatKnight is on the verge of being a top 50 website worldwide.

Topics included in this summary/talk: what is alexa?, special thank you and appreciation, TCK ranks in the top 90 percent (leading most categories) for โ€œtraditionalist sites pseudo trad, sedevacantist or otherwise., statistical breakdown demonstrating the fruit behind your donations, the need for greater participation on social media, suggestions?, Visibility vs. โ€œPopularityโ€, whats upcoming for TradCatKnight, TCK & our special niche/uniqueness, need better/consistent help with donations and much moreโ€ฆ..
