Utilizing Content material To Increase Google Search Outcomes

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Utilizing Content material To Increase Google Search Outcomes


In this video, Todd Hartley & Mark Traphagen discuss the best content marketing strategies that advance Google search results.

*You want to create content that gets in the way of people searching for that information
*Google search brings together people demanding information and business that supply informational content.
*Video content get the best search results
*Websites that regularly add video get 200% – 300% more monthly visitors
*Content engagement validates for Google who deserves to be on the top of Google search results.
*Learn why video with supportive text to out performs blog articles in search results
*How to use your content to develop relationships that covert into new customers.
*Discover how Google evaluates authority on Google+

For more information about Todd Hartley, visit

For more about Mark Traphagen, go to
