Utilizing Personas to Enhance On-line Advertising and marketing and search engine optimization

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Utilizing Personas to Enhance On-line Advertising and marketing and search engine optimization


More and more, online marketers are using buyer personas — fictitious characters that reflect various user types within their target demographic- to effectively reach new and existing customers. Similar to a marketing persona, creating a search persona helps marketers to accurately identify their target customer, to understand how users are actually searching for their business online, and to ultimately drive higher conversion.

Optify and search marketing now have partnered to host a free webcast on the use of personas in search marketing. The live webcast was led by Erez barak, VP of Products and Co-Founder at Optify, and Vanessa Fox, a contributing editor to Search Engine Land and author of the book Marketing in the Age of Google. Following the presentation, both speakers participated in a live Q&A session gathered from the webinar attendees.

This webcast explored how to build and manage search personas to optimize your search marketing campaigns. Watch this video to learn:
– What is a search persona?
– How to build a persona to reflect your user
– How to optimize your SEO using personas

Read more at: http://www.optify.net/webinars/search-personas-to-boost-search-marketing/
