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web optimization Past Google: Tips on how to Rank On The Finest Various Search Engine | YouTube web optimization


SEO Beyond Google: How to Rank On The Best Alternative Search Engines | YouTube SEO // Google is already the most popular search engine. You already know that. Focusing on Google can drive you a ton of traffic, but do you know there’s another search engine that can drive you a ton of traffic and no, it’s not Bing. This search engine is so effective I’m getting over 100,000 visitors a month consistently from this search engine. Hi, everyone. Today I’m going to discuss SEO beyond Google, how to rank on the best alternative search engine.

Ubersuggest – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/
Bing – bing.com

So you’re probably wondering, what is this alternative search engine that I’m getting over 100,000 visitors a month and some months I’m getting over 200,000 visitors a month from? Well, it’s YouTube.

YouTube SEO is totally different than Google. Before I get into how you can rank on YouTube, of course, you know you’re going to already have to create videos, but with YouTube, here’s the thing, Google takes a long time to decide who’s ranking on page one.

YouTube, you can rank for a competitive keyword like SEO within 24 to 48 hours at the top.

The first tip I have for you is to push the video as hard as possible in the first 24 hours.

The big component of YouTube algorithm is the better the video does in the first 24 hours, the better it’s going to rank on YouTube.

Most people look at YouTube and being like, “Huh. It’s probably like Google. If I keep optimizing over time, I can continue to rank higher in the rankings.” Eh, not so much.

It’s more so if you do really well in the first 24 hours, you’re going to continually do better in the long haul and your ranks are just going to shoot to the top really fast.

The second tip to ranking really well on YouTube is only produced content that you know people will love.

And you can end up going on YouTube, see what’s worked in the space, what hasn’t. You don’t want to produce content that people hate because if you’re ranking really well on YouTube and for a whole month you produce content that people hate, your overall channel score decreases and you’ll find that your rankings, your … the content that’s shared through the browse feature suggested feature, it’ll all start going down and your YouTube channel will start dwindling.

The next tip I have for you is to upload an SRT file on YouTube.

You’re thinking, “Hey, YouTube can automatically add closed captions. Why do I need to upload an SRT file?” Well, here’s the thing.

A SRT file tells YouTube that this is what the video is really about. They know that if they use their machine learning bot that yeah, they can translate what your video is on, but they’re still could be some errors and it’s not perfect.

When you upload an SRT file manually, you’ll notice that you’ll rank higher and you can just go to sites like rev.com, get an SRT file and upload it.

Another quick tip for YouTube is to upload SRT files in different languages.

YouTube is trying to get more competitive in the United States, but it isn’t that competitive overseas yet. It’s really popular. So make sure that when you have a video, translate and transcribe it, upload the SRT file.
When you do that, your rankings will go up over time, especially in those regions where it’s not competitive and it’s easy quick traffic. Once you do all of that, I want you to head over to Ubersuggest, type in the keywords that you want to rank for.

Now your description shouldn’t just be a paragraph. The longer your description is, assuming it’s very valuable to the user, what you’ll find is you’ll rank for more keywords and you can include these keywords in the tags in different places on YouTube, but what I found is the longer your description of the video, the better off you are.

And last but not least, whatever your video’s on, make sure you say that word within your video. So if my videos on SEO, I will continue to say SEO within my video.

If my video is on search engines, I’ll continually say the word search engines. If it’s on dog food, you say the word dog food, whatever it may be.

YouTube looks for what you’re saying, not just from the SRT file, but they try to decipher it on their own.

If you’re saying the right keywords multiple times, think of keyword density, they know that that video’s on that topic. You’re much more likely to rank higher, as well.

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