YouTube search engine optimisation 2018: How To Rank Movies On YouTube With A Small Channel

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YouTube search engine optimisation 2018: How To Rank Movies On YouTube With A Small Channel


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YouTube SEO 2018: How I Grew My Channel To 20,000 Subscribers FAST

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In this video, I dive deep into how you can rank your videos on YouTube. Why is this important? Well if you don’t know a little about YouTube SEO, you’re putting yourself at risk when growing your channel.

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Growing your YouTube channel is important for your personal brand so, in this video, we cover exactly how to optimize your YouTube videos for more growth on your channel

5 YouTube SEO tips to scale your channel in 2018:

1. Keyword research – which keywords are going to get you seen? It is very common that little YouTuber’s decide to title their videos whatever they want. Use long tail keywords to get you ranked. Once you start getting a healthy flow of subscribers, then you can create more personal branded videos like VLOG’s

2. FILE name – Now that you’ve identified a keyword, name your file that keyword. This gives YouTube a signal of what your video is about.

3. Create Longer Videos – Make sure you’re creating longer content. Longer videos (similar to a longer blog) tends to rank better in the search algorithm

4. Title’s/Tags/Descriptions – Use your long tail keyword to craft a perfect title. Make sure your tags match that title, and that your description exceeds 500 characters.

5. Engagement – Create videos that force likes/comments/subs. Once YouTube notices that you’re doing this, it will prioritize your video in the search engines.

In the video, we go over these topics in depth and even do a screen share of how you can get this done even if you’re a beginner.

I hope you enjoyed YouTube SEO in 2018… now go start your channel 🙂
